- Definitions of roles
- Clients: Faculty or their labs that use the Faculty Website service.
- Users: Individuals employed by, or working under, clients who have been given permission to access and use the client’s website.
- Faculty Websites (sites): personal websites and blogs implemented in WordPress, for faculty.
- WordPress: the open-source blogging software used to host the Faculty Website Service.
- Information and Educational Technology (IET):
- WordPress Site Administrator (site administrator): IET-ATS staff assigned to manage overall operation of the Faculty Website service, including administration of the WordPress installation, user account maintenance, user training, and communication with clients. Site administrators also provide programming support for the maintenance and development of new site features.
- System administrators shall provide server administration, security, system software upgrades, backups and other technical support for the Faculty Website servers.
- Steering Committee: oversight committee responsible for approving new feature requests. The Steering committee is comprised of senior executives and principal stakeholders who are committed to the project and have the authority to make policy decisions that have department and campus-wide impact.
- Client and user rights and responsibilities
- Clients and users shall be familiar with and abide by the terms of this agreement.
- The site administrator will attempt to notify clients when major changes are made to these Terms, however, clients should periodically review this document as UC Davis may, at its sole discretion, modify or revise these Terms at any time.
- Clients shall notify the site administrator of user changes for their site when:
- A user leaves the client’s group and no longer needs access to the client’s site.
- A new user needs a site account, access and training.
- Policy and standards:
- Clients and users shall adhere to all relevant policies of the University of California, Davis (see section 6).
- Accounts and passwords are specific to the individual and may not be shared with others.
- Clients and users shall not override page template layout or styles in a manner that degrades accessibility or technology standards.
- Clients may not install their own themes or plugins or obtain access to the back end of the service.
- Clients will use the standard WordPress page templates and features developed and maintained by the site administrator.
- Clients may apply custom HTML and CSS using the methods and naming conventions provided by WordPress.
- Clients must ensure that all custom HTML and CSS meet campus standards and policies (see Section 6).
- Clients are encouraged to ask the site administrator to review custom HTML and CSS to verify that best practices are being used.
- Clients are responsible for the maintenance of any custom HTML and CSS.
- Clients are encouraged to submit suggestions for improvements or new features for the Faculty Website service to the site administrator.
- Clients and users will follow best practices in Web authoring and development. Faculty Website training sessions will provide guidance in this area.
- Content
- Clients are responsible for providing content to populate the pages of their sites and performing the work to create and maintain that content.
- The Faculty Websites service is an appropriate location only for Public data, and all users of the service agree to only publish Public data on it (See section 6 for definition of public data).
- Clients should not host mandatory course content on their site.
- Clients should not upload photos, video, or audio with sizes exceeding 20 megabytes without first notifying the site administrator.
- Clients should only post content for which they control the rights or for which use of the content is protected by fair use.
- Clients agree not to post content that is illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringes on another’s intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious or objectionable.
- Clients agree to use the service in compliance with all applicable local, state, and national laws and all UC Davis policies.
- Clients agree not to post any content that can be considered advertising or any form of commercial solicitation.
- Clients are responsible for ensuring that all content on their site is accurate and up-to-date, that grammar and spelling are correct. Useful campus editorial guidelines and graphic standards can be found at http://identitystandards.ucdavis.edu.
- All site blogs must have comments moderated (i.e. reviewed prior to publication). Blogs will be set up with moderation enabled, and clients are responsible for ensuring that moderation takes place.
- Clients are responsible for dealing promptly with site errors (e.g., broken links, factual errors) and feedback inquiries.
- Training
- All users are encouraged to obtain training before they use the Faculty Website service.
- Clients and users may be trained either by the site administrator or by other comparable means.
- Clients who decide to stop using the Faculty Website service to manage their website shall notify the site administrator. See “Termination of service” Section 4.a. below.
- Faculty Website administrator rights and responsibilities
- The site administrator shall provide administration of the WordPress software.
- The site administrator shall manage roles, groups and user accounts, providing appropriate access to WordPress for users designated by the client.
- The site administrator shall develop and maintain standard WordPress templates, style sheets and features.
- The site administrator shall provide technical support to clients and users of the Faculty Website service.
- The site administrator shall forward verified WordPress application issues reported to WordPress.org and coordinate problem resolution.
- The site administrator shall coordinate with system administrators to keep the Faculty Website servers and software up to date.
- The site administrator shall maintain daily backups of user content, help users configure Drop Box backups, and assist in restoring lost content.
- The site administrator shall provide training on the use of WordPress and features offered by the service.
- System availability
- Unless temporarily removed from service for maintenance, upgrades or technical difficulties, the Faculty Website Service shall be operational 24 hours per day.
- When the Faculty Websites service will be removed from service for scheduled maintenance or upgrades (typically monthly and outside normal business hours), the site administrator will inform all users of the date, time and duration of the planned service interruption at least 5 business days in advance of the scheduled service interruption.
- When the Faculty Websites service is removed from service for unscheduled or emergency maintenance, the site administrator will give users as much warning as possible.
- The site administrator will post status of the service on the UC Davis status page. Clients and users will be able to subscribe to text notifications.
- Clients and users agree to hold harmless and indemnify UC Davis, any of its affiliates, and employees from and against any third-party claim arising from or in any way related to the violation or use of the Faculty Websites Service. The indemnification includes any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, actual or consequential damages, suits, judgments, and litigation costs or attorneys’ fees.
- Termination of service
- Voluntary termination
- Clients may choose at any time to terminate use of the Faculty Website service.
- Clients should provide two weeks notice to the site administrator of their intent to terminate use of the service so that arrangements can be made to archive their site instance and disable user accounts appropriately.
- The site administrator will maintain an archive of the client’s site for three months after the date of termination. After that time, the site instance may be deleted.
- Termination with cause
- Violation of the terms of this agreement may result in termination of a client’s access to the Faculty Website service. Termination of service will occur only after:
- The site administrator has warned the client of the violation in email or writing.
- The client has not taken steps to rectify the violation in a reasonable period of time (specified by the site administrator).
- The site administrator recommends service termination to the Steering Committee.
- The Steering Committee reviews the circumstances and approves service termination.
- In the event that a client’s account is terminated:
- All user accounts associated with the client account will be disabled.
- The site administrator will maintain an archive of client’s site for three months from the date service is terminated.
- Violation of the terms of this agreement may result in termination of a client’s access to the Faculty Website service. Termination of service will occur only after:
- Voluntary termination
- Unused site instances
- A new Faculty website that has never been used after 2 months from its creation date is subject to review for deletion by the site administrator.
- A Faculty website that has been inactive for more than 6 months may be subject to deletion.
- Prior to deleting an unused site instance:
- The site administrator will contact the client to confirm the instance is not needed.
- If the client verifies the instance is unneeded and has no useful content, the site administrator may delete the instance.
- If the client verifies the instance is unneeded but has useful content, the site administrator will maintain an archive of the instance site for three months. After that time, the site instance may be deleted.
- Policies affecting users of the Faculty Website Service
- 310-21, Computer Vulnerability Scanning Policy
- 310-22, UC Davis Cyber-Safety Program
- Exhibit A, UC Davis Security Standards d. 310-23, Electronic Communications–Allowable Use
- Exhibit A, Acceptable Use Policy
- 310-24, Electronic Communications–Privacy and Access
- Exhibit A, Request to Inspect, Monitor, or Disclose Electronic Records–Access With Consent
- Exhibit B, Request to Inspect or Disclose Records–Access Without Consent
- PPM 310-40: University Communications: Publications, Graphic Standards, Marketing and Media Relations
- PPM 310-70: World Wide Web Standards
- UC Davis Identity Standards (http://identitystandards.ucdavis.edu/)
- Principles of Community (http://occr.ucdavis.edu/poc/)
- Data Classification Guidelines (http://security.ucdavis.edu/docs/Data Classification Guidelines.docx)
- Custom domains other than *.faculty.ucdavis.edu are not available on the Faculty sites system.